Marked Agenda
Joint Briefing between the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the
Texas Transportation Commission (Open meeting)
Monday, June 26, 2000
9:00 a.m.
Greer Building Hearing Room
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, Texas
  1. Briefing on cooperative and joint efforts and activities to coordinate collective responsibilities relating to air quality. The following issues were presented:

    No action was taken by the Commissioners. TNRCC Chairman Huston asked Herb and Julia to prepare an information paper regarding the impact on air quality of increased trucking along the major Interstate corridors in Texas which can be linked to NAFTA trade activities.

  2. Briefing on cooperative and joint efforts and activities to coordinate collective responsibilities relating to water quality and other related matters. The following issues were presented:

    No action was taken by the Commissioners. Herb discussed the creation of a Joint Environmental Issues Workgroup comparable to the task forces created to address air quality objectives. The Environmental Issues Workgroup will develop joint objectives for water quality issues and coordinate on water, waste, and recycling between agencies.

  3. Discussion of and planning for possible future joint agendas addressing issues of mutual interest of the two agencies. TxDOT Chairman Johnson mentioned a future joint work session would be appropriate. TxDOT Commissioner Laney suggested the meeting convene prior to the 2001 Legislative Session. TxDOT Executive Director Heald agreed and proposed the time and location be based upon staff recommendations. No further action taken on this issue.