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Here is a list of the terms and definitions on each card.

Card 1:
Term: facility
Definition: The Texas Clean Air Act defines a "facility" as a discrete or identifiable structure, device, item, equipment, or enclosure that constitutes or contains a stationary source, including appurtenances other than emission control equipment. A mine, quarry, well test, or road is not considered to be a facility. Facility is an important term in air permitting because NSR permitting is required for new or modified facilities.
Card 2:
Term: modification
Definition: The Texas Clean Air Act also defines "modification of existing facility" as any physical change in, or change in the method of operation of a facility in a manner that increases the amount of any air contaminant emitted by the facility into the atmosphere or that results in the emission of any air contaminant not previously emitted. Modifications include changes in method of control, changes in character of emissions, and increases in actual emissions or emissions allowed to be emitted by the permit (known as allowables).
Card 3:
Term: representations
Definition: NSR permits are issued based on the information the applicant represents in the application. Because the permit limits and conditions are ultimately established from the application representations, these representations are enforceable.

Flash card activity showing the definitions for the terms "facility," "modification," and "representations"

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