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Tabbed activity describing the functions of the Operational Support and Permit Support Sections

Tab Title: Operational Support Section

Tab Content:

The primary function of the Operational Support Section is to support all other six sections within the division by...

• creating and coordinating the use of hardware and software tools to handle information used by the division,

• being the custodians for the division's information databases,

• coordinating the sharing of this information (including reporting needs) with other agency staff and external customers,

• developing regulations, policies, and procedures to support the agency/division goals and objectives, and

• handling front-desk reception, scheduling, and timekeeping tasks,

• providing document processing assistance to permit reviewers,

• managing incoming and outgoing mail, and

• coordinating travel/training, inventory/facilities, and purchasing.

Tab Title: Permit Support Section

Tab Content:

Comprised of the Air Permits Initial Review Team (APIRT), Air Dispersion Modeling Team (ADMT), and an engineer technical specialist. The primary function of the Permit Support Section is to provide administrative and technical support to the permitting and registration sections in the division by...

• conducting the administrative review and associated activities for applications and registrations,

• providing technical consultation, guidance, training, and outreach to division and agency management and staff, external government entities, and other stakeholders,

• reviewing air dispersion modeling submitted in support of permit applications,

• conducting modeling to demonstrate protectiveness of standard permits, PBRs, and other agency rules (such as the de minimimis rule), and

• conducting modeling to support State Implementation Plans for all criteria pollutants, except ozone.

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