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Tabbed activity summarizing the important points associated with flexible permits, multiple plants/112(g) permits, and grandfathered facilities

Tab Title: Flexible Permits

Tab Content:

· An applicant can request a flexible permit that covers emissions from many facilities.

· This type of authorization allows an owner or operator more flexibility in managing the operations by staying under an overall emissions cap or individual emission limitation.

· A physical change or change in a facility's method of operation within the scope of a flexible permit's emissions cap is not a modification under minor NSR rules.

Tab Title: Multiple Plant/MACT 112(g) Permits

Tab Content:

These types of applications are rare, but can be submitted.

· In certain circumstances, a person may apply for a permit for existing facilities at multiple plant sites that are owned or operated by the same person or persons under common control.

· A 112(g) review applies to major sources of hazardous air pollutants for which a Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard has not been promulgated under 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 63. In the review process, the Air Permits Division would need to determine the standards.

Tab Title: Grandfathered Facilities

Tab Content:

· Facilities that were not modified since August 31, 1971 were previously "grandfathered" from the requirement to get a permit. This is no longer the case, and the division continues to review requests for authorization under Subchapter B for previously grandfathered facilities.

· In the late 1990s, if a PBR could not be claimed for a previously grandfathered facility, the following were made available...

» Existing Facility Permit

» Small Business Stationary Source Permit

» Pipeline Facilities Permit

» Existing Facility Flexible Permit

· In general, these authorizations required the installation of ten-year-old BACT instead of current BACT.

· After initial issuance, these authorizations could be amended, altered, and renewed just like Subchapter B permits.

· The deadline to submit one of the above-referenced authorizations for previously grandfathered facilities has passed. A current NSR authorization mechanism must be used.

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