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Chart activity (Permitting Pyramid) showing the NSR authorization types (de minimis, permits by rule, standard permits) and providing a more in-depth description of each

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Tile: De Minimis


· There are different categories of de minimis. For some categories, owners and operators do not have to obtain any written confirmation from the TCEQ before construction or as a condition of operation.

· If confirmation is requested (even though it may not be required), the applicant submits a letter to the Air Permits Division with sufficient information to show that the facility meets the rule requirements. The Air Permits Division will perform a brief review to confirm and respond by letter.

· The applicant can also make a case-by-case de minimis request, which requires basic screen modeling to determine off-property impacts.

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Tile: PBRs


· 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 106 contains roughly 120 permits by rule. Of these, approximately one third require registration.

· Persons may also submit voluntary PBR registrations if the PBR does not specifically require it, and they want to receive written approval. Registration fees still apply to voluntary registrations.

· Permit reviewers must ensure that each PBR claim meets the individual requirements of the PBR in addition to all of the general conditions contained in 30 TAC §106.4.

· If the permit reviewer needs more information to make a determination or if the project does not meet the requirements of the PBR, the permit reviewer will follow up with the applicant. If necessary, the permit reviewer will direct the applicant to a different authorization mechanism.

· It should be noted that restrictions may exist that prohibit a person from claiming a PBR, such as site-specific restrictions contained in a case-by-case NSR permit issued to the applicant.

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Tile: Standard Permits


· The review of a standard permit registration is similar to that of a PBR. The permit reviewer ensures that the project meets the general and specific conditions of the standard permit.

· The permit reviewer performs an evaluation of the representations, emissions calculations, and any other supplemental technical information submitted to determine compliance with all applicable requirements of the standard permit.

· Registrations for some standard permits must also include the identification of any associated case-by-case NSR permits.

· Most standard permits must be processed within 45 days.

· The permit reviewer is responsible for evaluating all supplemental technical information submitted and ensuring that the project meets all applicable deadlines.

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Tile: Minor NSR Permits


These are case-by-case permits for minor sources (i.e., those sources that do not trigger major source permitting).

More detail on the review process for these types of authorizations can be found later in this module.

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

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Tile: Major NSR Permits


These are case-by-case permits for major sources (i.e., those sources that trigger major source permitting requirements such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration, nonattainment, or Maximum Achievable Control Technology).

More detail on the review process for these types of authorizations can be found later in this module.

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