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Chart activity (Permitting Pyramid) showing minor NSR and providing a more in-depth description

Activity Shape: pyramid

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

Sub Section: Auto Sized Sub Section

Tile: De minimis


Some sources and facilities are considered de minimis and do not require registration or authorization prior to construction.

See previous page in this module for additional information regarding the review process for these authorizations.

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

Sub Section: Auto Sized Sub Section

Tile: PBRs


Insignificant activities may be permitted by rule. These authorizations are referred to as permits by rule, or PBRs.

See previous page in this module for additional information regarding the review process for these authorizations.

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

Sub Section: Auto Sized Sub Section

Tile: Standard Permits


The standard permit is the level of the pyramid just before a case-by-case air quality permit. Standard permits may authorize more emissions than a PBR, but are not case-by-case reviews. Standard permits are developed using a reasonable worst-case scenario. Therefore, the division can feel confident that any person that claims a standard permit for their facility will not cause adverse effects to nearby receptors.

See previous page in this module for additional information regarding the review process for these authorizations.

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

Sub Section: Auto Sized Sub Section

Tile: Minor NSR Permits


· Generally, if an applicant can't meet de minimis criteria or meet a PBR or standard permit, a facility-specific case-by-case permit must be obtained.

· Permit reviewers verify that the requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 116, Subchapter B are satisfied for both new facilities and facility modifications. The process includes...

» Initial/Administrative Review

» Technical Review

--Best Available Control Technology

--Impacts Analysis

» Drafting the Permit

Activity Section: Auto Sized Section

Sub Section: Auto Sized Sub Section

Tile: Major NSR Permits


These are case-by-case permits for major sources (i.e., those sources that trigger major source permitting requirements such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration, nonattainment, or Maximum Achievable Control Technology).

More detail on the review process for these types of authorizations can be found later in this module.

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