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Tabbed activity containing a summary of important points assoiciated with permit renewals, amendments, alterations, and qualified facilities

Tab Title: Renewals

Tab Content:

· NSR permit renewals go through a similar process as a new Subchapter B permit.

· The important thing to note about renewals is that BACT and impacts reviews are not typically needed when there is no associated amendment. For facilities undergoing a permit renewal and that have made changes requiring authorization, PBRs, or other applicable authorization mechanisms, may be used in lieu of an amendment. (Amendments will be discussed in the next tab.)

· NSR permits are typically issued or renewed on a ten-year renewal schedule.

Tab Title: Amendments

Tab Content:

· After a permit is issued, the permit holder often needs to change the manner in which the facility is operated.

· Before construction for a facility modification begins, authorization must be granted. In some cases, a permit by rule can be used to authorize such changes.

· In other cases, the permit holder must request a permit amendment.

· An amendment consists of...

» a change in method of control,

» a change in character of emissions, or

» an increase in actual or allowable emissions.

· Amendments go through the same review process as an NSR (Subchapter B) permit for a new facility.

Tab Title: Alterations

Tab Content:

· If the change does not meet the definition of an amendment, a permit holder can request an alteration.

· The change is an alteration if it is...

» not a change in the method of control,

» not a change in character of emissions, or

» not an increase in actual or allowable emissions.

· Permit holders can request an alteration by submitting a letter.

Tab Title: Qualified Facilities

Tab Content:

· Senate Bill 1126 (SB 1126) was passed by the 74th Texas Legislature and provides flexibility for qualified facilities to make physical and operational changes without requiring a permit or other authorization.

· SB 1126 requires...

» no net increases or new contaminants,

» no new facilities,

» notification,

» documentation,

» recordkeeping,

» pre-change review and approval, and

» all facilities involved be qualified at the time of the change.

· A facility is qualified if...

» it had a permit or amendment issued within 120 months before the change occurred or it is exempted from permitting requirements, or

» the owner/operator demonstrates that controls are at least as effective as BACT.

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