Marked Agenda
Commissioners' Work Session
January 18, 1996
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Room 201S, Building E, Park 35, Austin
- Consideration of staff briefing on Commissioners' priorities on rule and policy development. The
Commissioners chose to take this item up in conjunction with item #7.
- Consideration of issues related to the Use of Endorsements to Reflect Corrections or Changes to
Permits. Lydia Gonzalez-Gromatzky (Legal) and Angela Stepherson (Legal) presented the issue. The
Commissioners directed staff to move toward a general rule addressing this issue and either expand or limit the
individual program rules as necessary. According to David Bolduc (ED's Office), an endorsements rule will fit
nicely with the Procedural Rules package; however it will have to go on a different track than the Procedural
Rules due to time constraints. That is, the Procedural Rules package is scheduled to go before the
Commissioners at an agenda meeting in February and the Endorsements Rule will not be ready that soon. Note:
A reference has been added to the draft Procedural Rules to serve as an interim process.
- Consideration of issues related to Revisions to the Ozone Standard. Chief Engineer Dan Wittliff
presented the issue. The Commissioners directed staff to continue to receive public input on the proposal and
allow the exchange of information with groups outside, as well as inside, the State. Staff should bring the issue
back for discussion at another Work Session in approximately 30 days, unless there is some activity on the
federal front. In that case, the Commissioners may wish to hear from staff earlier. In the meantime, staff will
conduct individual briefings with Chairman McBee and Commissioner Baker in order to answer specific
questions about the proposal. The Commissioners concluded the discussion by emphasizing that the proposal is
just that - a proposal - and should not be taken as the official position of the State or the agency.
- Consideration of issues related to Performance Partnership Grants and the Agency's Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan: Deputy Executive Director Bill Campbell presented the issue. The Commissioners directed staff
to pursue Option 2; however, they emphasized that no one is to interpret their support for that option as an
intention to re-organize the agency. Chairman McBee asked that the word "enforcement" be added to the fourth
goal under Option 2. The Commissioners may have additional editorial changes to make at a later date,
including specific wording for the "Philosophy" section of the packet. Bill Campbell stated that staff will get
additional input from outside the agency and bring the issue back at the February 9th Work Session. The
Commissioners continued the issue for that session. Performance Partnership Grants: Bill Campbell also
presented this issue. The following commissioners volunteered to chair each of the four grants review teams:
Water Quality (Baker), Drinking Water (Baker/McBee), RCRA (Marquez), and Air (McBee).
- Consideration of issues related to Speculative Permits. The Commissioners chose to continue this item at
the January 26th Work Session due to time constraints. It will appear on the Old Business Agenda since the
January 26th Agenda has already been filed.
- Consideration of issues related to the Voluntary Cleanup Rules. Clark Talkington (Waste Policy/OPRD)
and Ron Pedde (Waste) presented the issue. In regards to questions 2, 3, and 4 on the executive summary, the
Commissioners indicated their support for the options presented by staff. In regards to the first question dealing
with notification, the Commissioners chose to continue the issue at the January 26th Work Session. It will
appear on the Old Business Agenda since the January 26th Agenda has already been filed.
- Planning for next work session. The next Commissioners' Work Session is scheduled for January 26th,
from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in room E-201S. Title V Operating Permits Program, Alternative Fuels,
Speculative Permits, and Voluntary Cleanup Rules are scheduled to be discussed. Additional Work Sessions
have been scheduled for February 9th and February 22nd.