Marked Agenda
Commissioners' Work Session
Thursday, October 24, 1996
1:30 p.m.
Room 201S, Building E, Park 35, Austin
Old Business
- Docket No. 96-0339-RUL. Consideration for adoption of new 30 TAC Chapter 216, Water Quality
Performance Standards for Urban Development, Subchapter A, Concerning Water Quality Protection
Zones. The rules reflect the implementation of Senate Bill 1017, enacted by the 74th Legislature.
These rules will set out the procedures and criteria to be used by the commission in the review and
approval of water quality plans and amendments submitted for tracts of land designated as water
quality protection zones, designation of water quality protection zones for tracts of land that are less
than 1,000 acres but not less than 500 acres in size, determination of the adequacy of annual reports
submitted for water quality protection zones and the assessment of fees. The proposed rules were
published in the May 3, 1996 issue of the Texas Register. (Rule Log No. 95147-216-WT) (Arthur
Talley). Staff distributed revised rule language, which the Commissioners reviewed and discussed. The
Commissioners provided staff with clarification language, as well as corrections to typographical errors.
Chairman McBee moved to adopt the rules as discussed and revised by the Commissioners. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Marquez and adopted unanimously.
New Business
- The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission will meet in closed session to discuss
following pending litigation: The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the State of
Texas vs. United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 96-60544, in the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fifth Circuit; The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the State of
Texas vs. Carol Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the
United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 96-1283, in the United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit; The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the State
of Texas vs. Carol Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 96-1304, in the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia Circuit. The authority for this meeting is Section 551.071 of the Texas
Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. The Commission may also meet in
open session to take action on this matter as required by Section 551.102 of the Texas Open Meetings
Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code. The Commissioners met in closed session on this item from
2:50 until 4:04 p.m. No action was taken.