This meeting is a work session for discussion between commissioners and staff. No public testimony or comment will be accepted except by invitation of the commission.
The commission directed the staff to submit the following recommendations to legislative interim committees for possible inclusion in interim study reports:
Recommendation 1, relating to the UIC application fee;
Recommendation 28, relating to the jurisdiction between the TNRCC and the Water Well Drillers Board;
Recommendation 31, relating to the cleanup of closed and abandoned landfills;
Recommendation 32, relating to the incorporation of Regulatory Assessment fee requirements in the Public Water System fee;
Recommendation 33, relating to approval of the temporary transfer of no more than 25 acre-feet of water;
Recommendation 35, relating to general permits for wastewater discharges;
Recommendation 36, relating to the transfer or outsourcing of occupational licensing programs; and
Recommendation 37, relating to consolidation of S.B. 1 enforcement provisions.
The commission directed the staff to discuss the following recommendations with other agencies, as indicated in parentheses, for possible presentation to the legislature by those agencies:
Recommendation 2, relating to fee rebates related to composted material (Recycled Market Development Board);
Recommendations 4 and 5, relating to applying a customer’s credit in one account to a debit in another account (Office of the Comptroller);
Recommendation 6, relating to cost recovery (Offices of the Comptroller and the Attorney General);
Recommendations 7, 8, 9, and 10, relating to the assessment, collection and deposition into TNRCC accounts of late payment penalties and interest for fee assessments, cleanup of Superfund and PST sites, remediation of hazardous waste facilities, and unauthorized spills and discharges (Office of the Comptroller);
Recommendation 21, relating to establishment of a certification program for commercial laboratories (Texas Department of Health);
Recommendation 29, relating to transfer of the Marine Sanitation Device and Pump-Out Facilities certification programs to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (Parks and Wildlife Department); and
Recommendation 30, relating to the transfer of authority for determining public health nuisances in economically distressed areas to the Texas Department of Health (Department of Health).
Other recommendations were either not approved or were tabled pending further review.