Marked Agenda
Commissioners' Work Session
Thursday, December 17, 1998
1:30 p.m.
Room 201S, Building E, Park 35, Austin
This meeting is a work session for discussion between commissioners and staff. No public testimony or comment will be accepted except by invitation of the commission.
- Discussion of agency reports on enforcement actions for various media including agriculture, air, industrial and hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, occupational certification, petroleum storage tanks, public water supply, water quality, and multi-media. Anne Dobbs (Enforcement Division) presented this item. No action taken on this issue.
- Consideration for publication of, and hearing upon, proposed new 30 TAC Section 7.119, concerning Memorandum of Understanding Between the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. If adopted, the proposed new section would implement Texas Transportation Code, Section 201.607, requiring that effective January 1, 1997, MOUs between the Texas Department of Transportation and natural resource agencies contain certain specified provisions. This item was remanded to a future work session.
- Consideration of Pollution Prevention Integration and Training Plan Implementation. Victoria Hsu, (Director, NSR Permitting Division) and Andrew Neblett, (Director, OPPR) presented this item. As Chairman of the Pollution Prevention Steering Committee, Ms. Hsu reported on committee activities completed during the previous six months. Reiterating the objective of the April 1998 Action Plan for Integrating Pollution Prevention into the TNRCC’s Regulatory Programs by promoting the concept of pollution prevention in program areas before thinking about add-on controls, Ms. Hsu stated that over 350 agency staff had received pollution prevention training. Fourteen pollution prevention projects were selected from over 160 proposed pollution prevention projects. These were selected because of their effectiveness and low resource impact. The Steering Committee will meet again in January 1999 to assess the resource needs from each program area and recommend how best to reallocate those resources currently under Pollution Prevention and Recycling. This project is due to be completed by August 31, 1999. No action taken on this issue.
- Consideration of activities associated with State Implementation Plans and the proposed Regional Clean Air Strategy. Herb Williams (Acting Deputy Director/OPRD) presented this item. No action taken.
- Consideration of the agency's legislative proposals and other related issues to be addressed during the 76th Texas legislative session. The commission may also meet in closed meeting to receive legal advice regarding these matters, or any of the above matters, as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Any commission action, decision, or vote on these matters will be made in open meeting in accordance with Section 551.102 of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Steve Minick (Director/IGR) presented this item. Noteworthy in this report is that the Legislative Information Agent bill tracking system is in place and that all prefiled bills have been assigned to staff for internal review. The Legislative Assignment Team will begin meeting daily once Session begins. Beginning in January, IGR will submit weekly management reports summarizing assignment activity and bills that are being filed. In addition, weekly meetings have been set up with Executive Assistants, Executive Director staff and IGR staff to coordinate on-going legislative activities. No action taken.
- Planning for the next Commissioners’ Work Session. A joint meeting with the Public Utilities Commission and the TNRCC Commissioners will convene at the Park 35 Complex, Building E, Room 201S on January 14, 1999 at 9:30 A.M. A special work session was proposed to be convened for the consideration of rule and rule review proposals at a specific date to be determined during the period of January 20-22.