Marked Agenda
Joint Commissioners' Work Session with
  Texas Department of Public Safety and the
  Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (Open meeting)
Thursday, August 24, 2000
5805 North Lamar Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78752-4422

  1. Consideration of issues related to the ozone non-attainment and near non-attainment areas in Texas, Environmental Speed Limits, and the implementation of the state's Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) program by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the Texas Department of Public Safety. This issue was presented by Jeff Saitas, Executive Director, Chuck Mueller, OEPAA/SIP, Major Rick Smith, DPS, and Hazel Barbour, OEPAA/Technical Analysis. The Chairmen, jointly, directed staff to create a collaborative reporting system to update each Commission's membership on implementation of the state's I/M program and make presentations at future Commission Work Session or individual Commissioner briefings.