Friday, October 11, 2002
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
9:30 a.m.
Room 201S, Building E
12100 Park 35 Circle
No closed session convened.
- Discussion of the Enforcement Report for August 2002. Karen Berryman, OCE/Enforcement
and Paul Sarahan, Division Director, Litigation Division presented this issue.
No action taken.
- Discussion and Update of the Permit Time frame Reduction (PTR) project for August 2002.
Mark Vickery, Director, PRR and Mark Cowan, Division Director, Water Quality Division presented
this issue. Staff were directed to consider cancelling the Partnership Contract with EPA.
No action taken.
- Consideration for approval to move adoptions of quadrennial reviews to work sessions. Randy
Wood, Director, OEPAA, Lydia González-Gromatzky Director, OLS, Jim Muse, Division Director,
Policy and Regulations Division, and Kathy Vail, RDS, presented this issue. The Commission
approved staff's request to present Tier I Quadrennial Rule Review adoptions at work session and
continue to coordinate with the Office of General Counsel presentation of rule and non-rule related
proposals at work session.
Approved staff's request.
- Consideration of legislative issues potentially affecting the TCEQ and actions taken by the
Texas Legislature. The commission may consider legislative proposals and approve
recommendations for changes to statutory provisions. The commission may also meet in
closed meeting to receive legal advice regarding these matters, or any of the above matters,
as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the
Government Code. Any commission action, decision, or vote on these matters will be made
in open meeting in accordance with Section 551.102 of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551
of the Government Code. Steve Minick, IGR, presented this issue.
No action taken.
- Planning for the next Commissioners' Work Session. The next work session is November 8.
New issues include a Cumulative Risk Interpretation Plan, a Research Model proposal as well as
the standing issues.
Friday, October 11, 2002
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
9:30 a.m.
12100 Park 35 Circle
Bldg E, Room 201S
- Consideration of a joint resolution between the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
and the Texas Water Development Board in honor of the 30th anniversary of the federal Clean
Water Act. Brian Christian, Executive Assistant to Chairman Huston, presented this issue.
The Commission made minor amendments to the draft resolution as discussed during the
Approved with amendments. RM/RH. All agree.