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Chart activity (Permitting Pyramid) showing the NSR authorization types (de minimis, permits by rule, standard permits, minor NSR permits, major NSR permits) and providing a brief description of each

Activity Shape: pyramid

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Tile: De minimis


Some sources and facilities are considered de minimis and do not require registration or authorization prior to construction.

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Tile: PBRs


Insignificant facilities and activities may be permitted by rule. These authorizations are referred to as permits by rule, or PBRs.

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Tile: Standard Permits


The standard permit is the level of the pyramid just before a case-by-case air quality permit. Standard permits may authorize more emissions than a PBR, but are not case-by-case reviews. Standard permits are developed using a reasonable worst-case scenario. Therefore, the division can feel confident that any person that claims a standard permit for their facility will not cause adverse effects to nearby receptors.

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Tile: Minor NSR Permits


These are case-by-case permits for minor sources (i.e., those sources that do not trigger major source permitting).

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Tile: Major NSR Permits


These are case-by-case permits for major sources (i.e., those sources that trigger major source permitting requirements such as Prevention of Significant Deterioration, nonattainment, or Maximum Achievable Control Technology).

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