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Date or order number: 1972
Description: Standard Exemption
Content: Insignificant sources were first authorized under "standard exemptions." This terminology was changed because it was confusing and misled some to think that no authorization was required. However, there may be sites that made a claim while these types of authorizations were called "standard exemptions," so the terminology may be encountered in existing files and documentation.

Date or order number: 1996
Description: Exemption from Permitting
Content: Standard exemptions were referred to as "exemptions from permitting" for a period of time. As with standard exemptions, there may be sites that made a claim while these types of authorizations were called "exemptions from permitting," so the terminology may be encountered in existing files and documentation. All requirements pertaining to standard exemptions also applied to exemptions from permitting.

Date or order number: 2001
Description: Permit by Rule
Content: Current terminology for the authorization of insignificant sources.

Timeline for standard exemptions, exemptions from permitting, and permits by rule

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