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Jones Road History of Actions

Jones Road history of actions in chronological order.

Chronology of Actions:

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  • February 2002-January 2003, based on results of water samples collected from 228 wells, the approximate boundaries of the plume were identified as from the southern end of Echo Spring Lane to Tower Oaks Boulevard, and from Timber Hollow to east of Jones Road.
  • October 17, 2002, attendees at a public meeting at Moore Elementary School were told that the state had installed filtration systems on 21 wells where PCE was detected above the maximum contaminant level.
  • October 21-28, 2002, the state was granted access to additional properties within the plume zone. Samples were collected at 150 locations as part of the quarterly monitoring. Collected water samples showed contamination above the maximum contaminant levels in two wells. Filtration systems were installed on those two additional wells.
  • October 28, 2002-January 2003, TCEQ added green sand filters, or shocked the wells with chlorine at four locations with filtration systems where there were well discoloration or odor problems.
  • January 24, 2003, the water well driller section of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation notified all licensed drillers in Harris, Waller, Grimes, Ft. Bend, Brazoria, Galveston, Montgomery, San jacinto, Chambers, and Liberty counties, of more stringent well construction specifications for drilled wells within the Jones Road groundwater plume area. The well driller alert area is different from the current well test area and is defined as extending from south of Woodedge Dr. to Jones Road West, and from Possum Hollow to east of Jones Road. Any new wells within the area must be drilled to the Evangeline aquifer with a 3-inch larger borehole than the outside diameter of the casing, and pressure cemented to a depth of 400 feet from the land surface.
  • January 31, 2003, TCEQ established an Internet web site to make information more quickly available to residents within the impacted area, and included a link to a map of the area covering the PCE plume, and also included an access agreement, form that may be printed out, filled in, and submitted by residents within the zone who have not yet granted access for testing of their wells. The mail address for submitting access agreements is:
    John Flores
    P.O. Box 13087 - MC-142
    Austin, Texas 78711-3087
  • February 2003, a hazard ranking system (HRS) score was calculated for the Jones Road ground water plume site.
  • February 13, 2003, Weston Solutions, Inc. reported tests were completed on 149 wells where owners have filed access agreements. For well owners within the sampling zone, who have not yet signed an access agreement, an electronic version may be printed out, signed and mailed to the project contact. For well owners who want to have their water independently tested, a list of certified water testing labs is provided.
  • February 17, 2003, TCEQ staff attended a Harris County-sponsored public meeting at Matske School, 13102 Jones Road. Approximately 100 citizens, along with representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and staff from the Harris County Pollution Control and the Harris County Health Department, were in attendance.
  • March 31, 2003, based on results of water samples collected from 149 wells, the approximate boundaries of the plume were changed to:
    • the northern boundary: south of Woodedge Dr. along Echo Spring
    • the southern boundary: Jones Road West (near the intersection with Jones Road)
    • the western boundary: west of Timber Hollow Dr. along Timber Crest
    • the eastern boundary: one-sixth of a mile east of Jones Road

    No additional wells were found to need a filtration system; the number of filtration systems installed remains at 24.

    Six wells did have detections of tetrachloroethene below the maximum contaminant level of 5 parts per billion. During the past year of sampling, those wells with detections below the maximum contaminant level have remained below the maximum contaminant level.

    No contamination was found in the nine wells sampled west of the main sampling area on Bexhill Dr., Dakar Dr., and Dermott Dr.
  • March 31, 2003, results of the February well sampling analysis were mailed to well owners.
  • April 11, 2003, two additional wells sampled during the February 2003 sampling event were found to have detections of tetrachloroethene, but below the maximum contaminant level of 5 parts per billion.
  • April 30, 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency published a legal notice in the Federal Register, proposing the Jones Road groundwater plume site to the National Priorities List. The text of the legal notice may be viewed or downloaded from this TCEQ Superfund web site. The steps in the Superfund process are explained in the attached drawing.
  • May 19-23, 2003. Weston Solutions, Inc. reported tests were completed on 146 wells where owners have filed access agreements. For well owners within the sampling zone, who have not yet signed an access agreement, an electronic version may be printed out, signed and mailed to the project contact. For well owners who want to have their water independently tested, a list of certified water testing labs is provided.
  • June 16, 2003, TCEQ and Harris County, along with the U.S. EPA, conducted a community meeting at Matzke School, 13102 Jones Road, Houston, beginning at 7 p.m. to provide an update on the site and to answer questions and address concerns.
  • July 7, 2003, in response to requests from the community, the repository files were moved from the Collier Branch Library in Houston to the Northwest Harris County Library at 11355 Regency Green Drive.
  • July 31, 2003, the results of the May 2003 sampling event did not show the need for any additional filtration systems at the current time. Based on results of the water samples collected from 146 wells, the appropriate boundaries of the plume were identified as:
    • the northern boundary: Woodedge Drive
    • the southern boundary: Neeshaw Drive
    • the western boundary: Timber Hollow Drive
    • the eastern boundary: one-sixth of a mile east of Jones Road
  • August 4, 2003, TCEQ began quarterly sampling of 108 wells. Thirty-eight wells showed no contamination for four consecutive samplings, and were qualified to be dropped from further sampling at this time. The basis for dropping a well is that there is no detection of contaminants and that there is a clean well between it and the wells that show contamination within the groundwater plume boundary.
  • August 25, 2003, field activities began for the first phase of the remedial investigation. Thirty-seven cone penetrometer (CPT) test borings and three monitor wells were installed during a two week period. Groundwater and soil samples were collected.
  • August 25, 2003, final results of the May 2003 well sampling analysis were mailed to well owners.
  • September 8, 2003, lithological data, groundwater samples, and soil samples were collected.
  • September 15, 2003, during this week, preliminary results from the August 2003 water well sampling event were provided by telephone to the well owners.
  • September 23, 2003, results from the August 2003 sampling event showed one additional well with detection above the maximum contaminant level. This well was within the boundary of the plume and had not been sampled previously. The wells with prior detections below the maximum contaminant level have remained below the maximum contaminant level.
  • September 29, 2003, a legal notice was published by EPA in the Federal Register (68 FedReg 55875-55882), finalizing the listing of the Jones Road Ground Water Plume site on the National Priorities List. The contents of the final rule may be viewed or downloaded from this TCEQ Superfund web site. EPA's response to public comments received on the proposal of the Jones Road Ground Water Plume to the National Priority List has been abstracted from a document containing responses to comments on five sites. The response to comments,in Adobe Acrobat portable document format, may be viewed or downloaded from this TCEQ Superfund web site.
  • October 1, 2003, the installation of the remaining monitor wells was postponed based on the hydrogeologic data acquired during the initial investigative phase conducted in August/September 2003.
  • October 13, 2003, final results, based on validated laboratory data from the August 2003 water well sampling event, were mailed to well owners.
  • October 22-29, 2003, soil sampling was conducted at 21 locations in the 11600 block of Jones Road. Groundwater samples were collected at selected locations.
  • October 27-29, 2003, TCEQ staff conducted personal interviews within the area to assist in the preparation of a community relations plan.
  • November 18, 2003, Shaw Environmental completed quarterly sampling of 107 wells.
  • November 18, 2003, TCEQ conducted a community meeting at Matzke School to provide an update on site activities. An electronic version of the visuals used by the presenter may be viewed from this TCEQ Superfund web site. Staff from the Texas Department of Health also made a presentation on the public health assessment that they will be preparing. Approximately 40 to 50 citizens, along with representatives of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, and staff from Harris County were in attendance.
  • January 7, 2004, results of the November 2003 sampling event showed no additional water wells with detections of PCE above the safe drinking water level of 5 parts per billion.
  • January 26-30, 2004, final results, based on validated laboratory data from the November 2003 water well sampling event were provided to well owners.
  • February 20, 2004, Shaw Environmental completed quarterly sampling of 114 water wells.
  • February 29, 2004, based on preliminary results of the February 2004 quarterly sampling event, two more residential wells have been equipped with carbon filtration systems. These were wells that had been under close watch, because PCE had been detected during the previous sampling events.
  • March 4, 2004, two additional residential wells were equipped with carbon filtration systems. These wells also had been under close watch, because PCE had been detected during the previous sampling events.
  • March 22, 2004, groundwater quality sampling for inorganic analysis was completed for three monitor wells and 18 private wells.
  • April 20, 2004, TCEQ conducted a community meeting at Matzke Elementary School. Approximately 50 citizens, including elected officials of Harris County , the City of Houston, and the state legislative district were in attendance. A representative of the Texas Department of Health presented an outline of the public health assessment report, and the EPA provided criteria for establishing a community advisory group (CAG). (For further information regarding the community advisory group, please refer to the web page The TCEQ project team presented the quarterly monitoring data and the current status of the remedial investigation of the site. An electronic version of the TCEQ's presentations may be viewed or downloaded from this TCEQ Superfund web site.
  • May 3, 2004, TCEQ began quarterly sampling of water and monitoring wells. The residential water well sampling has been extended to the west, to the southwest, and to the south of the former sampling perimeter.
  • May 2004, EPA awarded a technical assistance grant to the Jones Road Coalition for Safe Drinking Water. The grant award, totaling $50,000 in federal funds and $12,500 in matching funds from the Jones Road Coalition, is to be used by the citizens' group to obtain technical assistance and interpretation of reports pertaining to the site. The contact person for the grant is Gloria G. Selby, secretary, Jones Road Coalition for Safe Drinking Water, P. O. Box 690107, Houston, TX 77269-0107.
  • May 17, 2004, Shaw Environmental completed quarterly sampling of 201 water wells and 9 monitoring wells.
  • May 31, 2004, preliminary analytical data from the May quarterly monitoring event revealed that the concentrations of PCE were above the maximum concentration level of 5.0 parts per billion in two additional residential wells. One owner refused the installation of a filtration system. The other well was fitted with an activated carbon filtration system.
  • June 18, 2004, benzene concentration of 500 parts per billion was detected at one well located across the street from a service station. The TCEQ’s petroleum storage tank program was notified and a filtration system was order installed.
  • June 25, 2004, TCEQ’s community relations team completed calling the residents with the analytical results of May quarterly monitoring data.
  • July 2, 2004, approximately 270 letters explaining the May quarterly monitoring results were mailed out to the residents. Shaw (consultant) submitted a water well inspection report identifying specific residential water wells designated for data logger installation. Data loggers are needed to determine the water level and the groundwater flow direction.
  • August 9, 2004, approximately 700 newsletters were mailed out to the residents. The August quarterly monitoring event was started and the sampling area was expanded to include more wells.
  • August 25, 2004, cone penetration testing was conducted in an area southeast of the former Bell Dry Cleaners facility and groundwater samples were collected in an attempt to identify any other sources of contaminants in that area. The analytical results are now being evaluated. Preliminary analytical data indicated PCE concentrations above the maximum concentration level in one more residential well and it was fitted with a filtration system. To date 32 filtration systems have been installed.
  • September 27, 2004, five water wells were identified as candidates to be retrofitted for the installation of data loggers. Four of these wells were retrofitted and data loggers were installed. The fifth well needed to be cleaned out before a data logger could be installed.
  • October 8, 2004, all of the validated data from the August sampling events were received.
  • October 19, 2004, the Texas Department of State Health Services presented the draft report on the assessment of the Jones Road groundwater plume at a community meeting. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality representatives also reported on the project status.
  • November 19, 2004, quarterly monitoring of groundwater was completed. Also, the fifth well, that had a blockage, was cleared and retrofitted for installation of a data logger. Water level guaging is continuing in all five wells.
  • January 27, 2005, a community meeting was held at the Matzke School
  • February 18, 2005, the February 2005 monitoring event was concluded for 206 water wells.
  • March 11, 2005, one additional residential water well was determined to have PCE concentration above 5 parts per billion. A carbon filtration system was immediately installed at that well. Currently there are 33 carbon filtration stystems installed in the Hones Road area.
  • March 18, 2005, all of the validated data from the February quarterly monitoring event was received. Based on the last four quarterly monitoring data, a decision was made to reduce the number of water wells to be sampled in May 2005 from 200 to 154.
  • April 6, 2005, during a project status meeting between TCEQ and Shaw E&I, it was decided, as part of the remedial investigation, to install nine deep monitor wells in the Chicot aquifer and one deep monitor well in the Evangeline aquifer. In addition, two deep wells and eight geo-probe borings will be installed in the source area around the former Bell dry cleaners.
  • June 9, 2005, a community meeting was held at the Matzke School
  • June 22, 2005, chart of Estimated Monthly Water Usage Costs posted on the web site
  • August 4, 2005, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Harris County and the EPA conducted an open house/availability session at the Matzke Elementary School, 13102 Jones Road. The open house was an opportunity for Jones Road residents to meet one on one with staff. Information on the proposed water line project and a general site update was provided.
  • October 13, 2005, The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Harris County and the EPA conducted an open house/availability session at the Matzke Elementary School, 13102 Jones Road. This open house was originally scheduled on September 22, 2005, but was rescheduled due to Hurricane Rita. Information on the proposed waterline project and general site updates were provided.
  • February 3, 2006, chart of White Oak Bend MUD Estimated Monthly Water Usage Costs posted on web site
  • February 2006, a total of 182 private wells and 18 monitor wells were sampled.
  • April 2006, the February quarterl monitoring letters and groundwater analytical data was mailed to well owners, tenants and businesses.
  • May 4, 2006, the final map of the waterline service area was posted on the web site.
  • July 28, 2006, The TCEQ mailed the May quarterly monitoring letters and groundwater analytical data to well owners, tenants and businesses.
  • August 2006, quarterly groundwater sampling was conducted. A total of 180 private wells and 19 monitor wells were sampled.
  • August 24, 2006, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Harris County, and the EPA conducted an open house/availability session and community meeting at the Matzke Elementary School, 13102 Jones Road. The open house was an opportunity for Jones Road residents to meet one on one with staff. Information on the proposed water line project and a general site update was provided.
  • October 2006, the TCEQ mailed the August quarterly sampling event letters and groundwater analytical data to well owners, tenants, and businesses. (306 letters were mailed.
  • November 2006, quarterly sampling was conducted. A total of 248 samples were collected from 156 private wells. Of the 18 monitor wells that were sampled, one was dry.
  • February 2007, quarterly sampling was conducted at 19 monitor wells. A total of 239 samples was collected from 177 private wells. Multiple samples were collected from wells equipped with a filtration system.
  • March 2, 2007, results of the November 2006 quarterly monitoring were mailed to 252 well owners and residents.
  • March 5, 2007, notification letters were mailed to 1,247 residents and property owners advising of the detection of vinyl chloride in five of the deep monitor wells. Vinyl chloride concentration greater than 2 parts per billion was indicated in the deep monitor wells.
  • March 5, 2007, letters advising of the detection of vinyl chloride in five of the deep monitor wells were mailed to 1,274 residents and property owners. The concentration of vinyl chloride was above the maximum contaminant levels of two parts per billion.
  • May 2, 2007, Final Map of Water Line Service Area, posted on web site
  • May 3, 2007, an update was presented at a community meeting at the Matzke Elementary School.
  • July 2007, notices were mailed to the community regarding an additional enrollment period to sign the Alternative Water Connection Agreement. The additional enrollment period is from August 1, 2007 to October 31, 2007.
  • August 2007, quarterly monitoring was conducted on 19 monitor wells and 249 samples were collected from 184 wells. Multiple samples were collected from wells equipped with filtration systems.
  • October 12, 2007, results of the August 2007 quarterly monitoring event were mailed to 281 well owners and residents.
  • October 31, 2007, the additional enrollment period ended for signing the alternative water connection agreement.
  • November 2007, quarterly monitoring event was conducted where a total of 326 samples were collected from 19 monitor wells and 227 water well locations. Multiple samples were collected from wells equipped with filtration systems.
  • December 2007, EPA announced the opening of a storefront office to coordinate work surrounding the construction of a water line. The office will have staff available to meet with residents who have questions about the project and hook-up to their specific property. The office is located at Four Seasons Self Storage, 11500 FM 1960 West, Suite 114. The local phone number is 281/890-7471.
  • February 2008, quarterly monitoring event was conducted where a total of 262 samples were collected from 19 monitor wells and 119 water well locations. Multiple samples were collected from wells equipped with a filtration system.
  • April 1, 2008, Updated Map of Waterline Service Area posted on web site.
  • August 4, 2008, postcards were mailed to the community to announce the August 2008 groundwater monitoring program would be postponed until after the completion of the water line.
  • August 26, 2008, results of the May 2008 quarterly monitoring event were mailed to 243 well owners and residents.
  • September 2008, the EPA indicated the water line project will be concluding soon; therefore, effective September 29, 2008, the EPA and the TCEQ will not be accepting any additional water line connections requests, other than compelling circumstances.
  • November 26, 2008, the installment of the water line was completed and 144 service connections were completed. The water line has been conveyed for operation to the White Oak Bend Municipal Utility District.
  • February 2009, the first post-water line groundwater monitoring event was conducted. Samples were collected from 10 deep monitor wells and two water wells.
  • February 2010, Feasibility Study has been completed. The report is broken up into four parts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4).
  • March 2010, following the completion of the Feasibility Study, the lead agency responsibilities have transfered from the TCEQ to the EPA. Information from the EPA about the Jones Road Groundwater Plume federal Superfund site can be found on the EPA web site.
  • May 2010, EPA Announces Proposed Plan. The Proposed Plan Public Meeting is scheduled on June 3, 2010.
  • August 2010, Feasibility Study Report errata for Figure 3 and Figure 16. The northeast boundary for the Area of Institutional Controls (shown in green) has been moved slightly to the west of the Waterline Service boundary (shown in black).

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