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Types of Dry Cleaning Certificates

Lists the types of dry cleaner registration certificates available and links to related forms and instructions.

Dry cleaning facilities and drop stations will receive a registration certificate once TCEQ processes your registration form and receives your registration fee payment.

Drop Station Certificate

Drop stations will receive a certificate labeled "Drop Station."

  • A drop station that has gross annual receipts of more than $150,000 will pay an annual registration fee of $750.
  • A drop station that has gross annual receipts of $150,000 or less will pay an annual registration fee of $250.
  • Drop stations should not receive solvent deliveries.

Drop Station Certificate

These certificates apply to drop stations owned on or before January 1, 2004 that applied for non-participating, non-perchloroethylene drop station status by February 28, 2006.

  • Non-Participating Drop Stations will pay an annual registration fee of $125 and receive a certificate labeled "Non-Participating Non-Perchloroethylene Drop Station."
  • Drop stations should not receive solvent deliveries.

Registered Dry Cleaning Facility Certificate

Dry cleaning facilities will receive a certificate labeled "Registered Dry Cleaning Facility."

  • Dry cleaning facilities that have a gross annual receipts of more than $150,000 pay an annual registration fee of $2,500.
  • Dry cleaning facilities that have a gross annual receipts of $150,000 or less pay an annual registration fee of $250.
  • These facilities must pay solvent fees for each solvent delivery. The solvent fees are $20 per gallon for perchloroethylene ("perc") and $3 per gallon for other solvents.

Participating Non-Perchloroethylene Certificate

These certificates apply to dry cleaning facilities owned on or before January 1, 2004 that applied for participating, non-perchloroethylene dry cleaning facility status by August 31, 2005. Previously-approved owners of participating non-perchloroethylene facilities will continue to receive a certificate labeled "Participating Non-Perchloroethylene Certificate." Participating non-perchloroethylene certificates and status cannot transfer to new owners after August 31, 2005.

  • Participating non-perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities that have gross annual receipts of more than $150,000 pay an annual registration fee of $2,500.
  • Participating non-Perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities that have a gross annual receipts of $150,000 or less pay an annual registration fee of $250.
  • Facilities with participating non-perchloroethylene certificates do not have to pay solvent fees.

Non-Perchloroethylene Certificate

These certificates apply to dry cleaning facilities owned on or before January 1, 2004 that applied for non-participating, non-perchloroethylene dry cleaning facility status by February 28, 2006.

  • Non-participating, non-perchloroethylene dry cleaning facilities pay an annual registration fee of $250 regardless of their gross annual receipts.
  • Facilities with non-participating non-perchloroethylene certificates do not have to pay solvent fees.

Contact Us

Contact the Dry Cleaner Registration Team at or 512-239-2160 if you have any questions.