2021 Downloads folder for Commission Agenda Backup 2021 https://www.tceq.texas.gov/downloads/agency/decisions/agendas/backup/2021 https://www.tceq.texas.gov/@@site-logo/TCEQ-logo-header.png 2021 Downloads folder for Commission Agenda Backup 2021 2021-1391-WR - Protestant’s Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Applicant’s Reply to Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Executive Director’s Reply to Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Protestant’s Reply to Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Administrative Law Judge’s Reply to Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Index - PFD Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Agreed Request to Change Filing Deadlines Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Extension to File Replies to the Exceptions Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Agenda Setting Letter Agenda backup. 2021-1128-AIR-E Agenda backup. 2021-0772-AIR-E Agenda backup. 2021-0353-AIR-E Agenda backup. 2021-1294-MWD-E Agenda backup. 2021-1220-MWD-E Agenda backup. 2021-0991-MWD-E Agenda backup. 2021-1011-PWS-E Agenda backup. 2021-1391-WR - Recommended Changes for SAWS's Water Use Permit No. 13098 Marked Agenda backup. 2021-1207-AIR-E Agenda backup. 2021-0421-WR - Administrative Law Judge’s Proposal for Decision Agenda backup. 2021-0421-WR - Extension of Time to File Exceptions and Replies to Exception Agenda backup. < Previous 20 items 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Next 20 items >
2021-1391-WR - Administrative Law Judge’s Reply to Exceptions to the Proposal for Decision Agenda backup.