Permits and Registrations
We issue a variety of permits, registrations, and other authorizations.
By Business
By Type
- 401 Certification Reviews (for dredged or fill discharges)
- Air Permits
- Aboveground Storage Vessel Safety
- Bioenergy
- Clean Water Certification for Boat Sewage
- Dry Cleaners
- Edwards Aquifer Plans
- Mining and Mineral Extraction
- On-site Sewage Facilities (Septic Systems)
- Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs)
- Public Water Systems (permit by rule)
- Radioactive Materials
- Stormwater
- Underground Injection Control
- Waste Management
- Wastewater
- Water Rights
- Water Diversions (in watermaster areas)
Permits in Process
- Status of Permits and Registrations
- Agency Deliberations and Decisions
- Pending Permit Applications: Participating in the Process