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Underground Injection Control Permits

Requirements for drilling and operating wells for the solution mining of sulfur, salts or uranium, or for injecting liquid wastes and other substances underground.

Topics Under this Category

Injection Wells: Am I Regulated?

Information about injection wells and regulations for them in Texas. Links to more guidance and forms for specific regulatory programs.

Class I Injection Wells Regulated by the TCEQ

Process to follow to obtain a permit for a Class I injection well in Texas. Links to relevant forms. For Class I injection wells to be authorized under the UIC General Permit WDWG01000, see below.

Class I, III, IV, and V Injection Wells: Rules

Links to rules that regulate the permitting, construction, and operation of Class I and Class III injection wells in Texas.

Class III Injection Wells Regulated by the TCEQ

Process for obtaining a permit for a Class III injection well in Texas. Links to application forms and relevant rules, including those for well design and operation.

Class IV Injection Wells

Information about restrictions for Class IV injection wells, which are allowed only in special circumstances involving environmental cleanups.

Class V Injection Wells Regulated by the TCEQ

Process for obtaining an authorization for Class V injection wells, which apply to a wide variety of activities that release water or another liquid into the ground. Links to relevant forms and rules

Contact and Application Information for the Underground Injection Control Program

Information about applications and how to contact the TCEQ Underground Injection Control Program.

Financial Assurance for Underground Injection Control Wells

Financial assurance requirements and contact information pertaining to underground injection control wells.

Delinquent Fees and Penalties Will Affect Processing Your TCEQ Application

The TCEQ defines delinquent accounts to include those entities or people who owe at least $25 in delinquent penalties or fees. This threshold is the same amount used by us to place an entity on Warrant Hold with the Comptroller of Public Accounts.

Injection Wells Regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas

Brief list of injection wells regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas.

Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Underground Injection Control (UIC) Programs

Current plan detailing state requirements for the management of waste under the Industrial and Hazardous Waste and Underground Injection Control programs, submitted to EPA for approval each fiscal year.

Search Underground Injection Control Permit Applications

Information to guide persons to the TCEQ Central Registry Query for information about underground injection control permits.