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Radioactive Materials

Regulation of the extraction, handling, processing, storage, and disposal of radioactive material in Texas

Applying for a Radioactive Material License
Forms to be used by all persons or businesses who wish to handle, process, store radioactive waste, or recover source material in Texas.

Find applicant information, public notice documents, and plain language summaries in English and alternative languages for pending radioactive material license applications.

Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Disposal Rates
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is charged with establishing Texas Compact low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) disposal rates by rule.

X-Ray Equipment Disposal in Texas
Instructions for disassembling X-ray equipment, checking components for PCBs, and properly disposing of the components.

Mixed Waste Disposal
Defines "mixed waste" that contains both radioactive and hazardous waste components (in the context of rules for radioactive waste) and summarizes requirements for its disposal in Texas.

Processing and Storage of Radioactive Material 
Application forms and guidance for applying for a license to process or store radioactive substances.

Rules and Statutes
Links to rules and statutes that are relevant to the management of radioactive material in Texas.

Inspection, Enforcement and Complaints
Inspection requirements for sites licensed for radioactive waste, agency enforcement requirements, and how to make an environmental complaint.

Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Defines "low-level radioactive waste" and summarizes the responsibilities of various federal and state agencies with respect to disposal.

Materials That Are Exempt or Below Regulatory Concern
Information about materials that are radioactive but do not require special handling, care, or are subject to regulations. Links to related web pages and contacts at the appropriate agencies.

Disposal Options
How to categorize radioactive waste and find disposal options. 

Tailings Impoundments
List of the three uranium mill tailings impoundments in Texas, the operators, and the county where each is located. These sites are classified as disposal sites for by-product material.

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Disposal
Defines "NORM" and provides links to TCEQ rules and guidance relevant to the disposal of NORM in Texas.

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Question mark icon For questions or comments, please contact the Radioactive Materials Division by email at, by phone at 512-239-6466, or by mail to TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, MC-233, Austin, TX 78711. 

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