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Radioactive Material Processing and Storage

Application forms and guidance for applying for a license to process or store radioactive substances.

TCEQ licenses commercial radioactive waste storage and processing. Processing includes, but is not limited to, volume reduction, compaction or stabilization to meet final disposal acceptance criteria.

The types and quantities of radioactive material and processes authorized in your license will vary depending on the activities you request and meeting the requirements in Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 336 Subchapter M .

Application Process

Contact our Radioactive Materials Section before applying for a license to process or store radioactive waste. Our staff will help you determine your application fee and what you need to complete your application.

Generally, you will need to include the following items:

Other Resources

The Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors maintains a list of commercial services including waste brokers, processors, transportation services and commercial radiochemistry services.

Note: If you have a radioactive materials license in the state of Texas and you are seeking to ship low-level radioactive waste outside the state for either processing or disposal, you must comply with 31 TAC §675.21 and 31 TAC §675.22 as applicable.

Please contact the Radioactive Materials Section if you have any questions.