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Maps, and data and searches using map format.

Maps of TCEQ Locations

The TCEQ's Austin headquarters and local offices throughout Texas.

Edwards Aquifer Maps

Maps related to the Edwards Aquifer.

Barnett Shale Maps and Charts

Maps and charts of oil and gas wells, monitor locations, and air quality information.

Eagle Ford Shale Geological Area

The Eagle Ford Shale is a hydrocarbon-producing geological formation extending over 26 counties. It stretches from the Mexican border between Laredo and Eagle Pass up through counties east of Temple and Waco.

Geographic Data Viewers

These geographic data viewers provide a geographical interface to many of the common spatial datasets that the TCEQ maintains.

Hydrography Maps and Data

Links to data for stream segments, Level 4 ecoregions, and other data layers for use in ArcGIS. Statewide hydrography maps and map-based viewers for surface water information.

Map of Water Systems under Water Use Restriction

From the weekly report to the Texas Drought Preparedness Council. Map of Texas displaying the location of public water systems that were enforcing restrictions on water use due to drought or other water shortage as of the first of the current week.

Priority Groundwater Management Areas

Program to identify areas of Texas experiencing, or expected to experience, critical groundwater problems and encourage the creation of groundwater conservation districts for those areas. Relevant reports, studies, maps, and rules.