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Environmental Research Library

Our library maintains a specialized collection of materials to provide scientific, technical, and legislative information in support of all TCEQ programs. Our primary purpose is to assist staff, but we also serve other state agencies, consulting firms, businesses, universities, teachers, students, and interested citizens.

Library Hours and Facilities

Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. The library is closed 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Phone : 512-239-0020

Ground floor of Building A at Park 35, on the left as you enter the main doors.

Physical address: Building A, 12100 Park 35 Circle, Room 102.
Mailing address: TCEQ Library, MC-196, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087

TCEQ Austin Offices Map

The library has four public computers with black-and-white printing access and quiet seating areas for studying. Other equipment available includes a photocopier, microform reader, and video monitor. Copies made by external customers are $0.05 per page.

What is available on the shelves?

The TCEQ Environmental Research Library maintains a specialized collection of materials to provide scientific, technical, and legislative information in support of all TCEQ programs. We acquire books, reports, magazines, and data with subject concentrations that support TCEQ programs, including water, geology, waste, recycling, air quality, petroleum storage tanks, ecology, toxicology, and pollution. The library maintains current and out-of-print TCEQ and predecessor agency publications.

The legal collection includes Texas and federal law resources, including the Texas Administrative Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated, and Texas Register, as well as general and environmental law reference books. Electronic access is available for the Code of Federal Regulations and U.S. Code Annotated.

What can I borrow or access and how?

You can search the library’s holdings using our online catalog . Books and periodicals are cataloged in a system shared with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. When you access the online catalog, select TCEQ from the “Library” drop down menu to restrict your search to our collection. Our library is open to the public but only TCEQ employees and employees of other state agencies may borrow library materials. Members of the public may use library materials on-site or place an interlibrary loan request with their local public library to borrow materials from our collection.

TexShare is a statewide resource sharing program designed to improve library service to Texans. The TexShare Consortium includes public libraries, colleges and universities, and libraries of clinical medicine. TexShare is administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).

The TexShare Databases allow you to access over 27,000 journals, over 171,000 ebooks, and over 15 million images, videos, and interactive resources. Access TexShare Databases

What services are available?

  • answer reference questions
  • check holdings for specific items
  • explain services, policies, and the arrangement of library materials
  • help you use research tools, including the online catalog, electronic databases, and printed reference sources

If you need expertise to answer questions on the TCEQ's more technical programs, library staff can refer you to appropriate personnel or to another agency.

Staff will make copies for requestors as time permits.