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TCEQ Geographic Web Apps

Links to Geographic Data Viewers providing easy access to spatial data via graphical interface.

These geographic web applications, created by TCEQ staff, provide a geographical interface to many of the common spatial datasets that TCEQ maintains.


Barnett Shale Air Sampling Map Viewer
The Barnett Shale Viewer illustrates specific locations and the type of air quality monitoring that has been completed. The viewer also provides detailed monitoring reports based on collected air samples.
Edwards Aquifer Map Viewer
Allows users to view Edwards Aquifer maps of regulated zones using a web browser.
Galveston Bay Estuary Program (GBEP) Implementation Tracking Viewer
The Galveston Bay Estuary Program (GBEP) Implementation Tracking Viewer allows users to view projects that implement actions from The Galveston Bay Plan, 2nd Edition.
GeoTAM Viewer
The Geographical Texas Air Quality Monitoring viewer allows users to access information about air quality monitors, view and print maps of areas of interest, and obtain details about selected air monitors and their surrounding areas.
Groundwater Assessment Data Viewer
The Texas Groundwater Assessment Data Viewer is an Interactive Map App which allows the public to view the water wells sampling and monitoring location to the Texas Water Quality Integrated Report accordance with the Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) reported biennially on even years.
Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs) Viewer
Includes created and confirmed Groundwater Conservation Districts and designated Priority Groundwater Management Areas.
Groundwater Contamination Viewer
This interactive map viewer allows users to query and obtain spatial relationship information about groundwater contamination cases for the current and some previous years as per TCEQ publication SFR-056.
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Facility Viewer
This viewer allows users to locate and find information about industrial and hazardous waste (IHW) facilities in Texas.
Municipal Solid Waste Viewer
This viewer allows users to locate and find information about municipal solid waste (MSW) facilities in Texas.
Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Viewer
This ArcGIS Online Viewer can be used to see the locations of regulated USTs (Underground Storage Tanks) in Texas. Tools are provided to query the USTs by TCEQ PST ID, Texas Department of Agriculture ID, Central Registry (RN), Facility Name, and Address. Database information such as UST Type and Number of Active USTs can be viewed by clicking on a particular PST location. Users can also change the basemap layer and print.
Nonpoint Source Project Viewer
View and interact with Texas Watershed Protection Plans and nonpoint source projects. Projects address nonpoint source pollution in order to protect and restore Texas rivers, lakes, and bays.
Source Water Assessment & Protection Viewer
The viewer allows users to access the Public Water Supply (PWS) source assessment information, view and print maps of source water protection areas, and obtain details about selected public water sources.
Surface Water Quality (Segments) Viewer
The viewer allows users to find information on the quality of any body of surface water that TCEQ monitors. Users can select a water body geographically (from an interactive map) or by specifying its name or identification number.
Wastewater Outfalls Viewer
The Wastewater Outfalls Viewer enables users to view TCEQ-permitted wastewater outfalls in the state of Texas. Users can view names, permit numbers, status, and other information about a wastewater outfall. Tools are provided to query specific outfalls. Users can also locate and identify outfalls within a selected radius. Other standard tools such as measuring and print are also provided.
Water Districts Map Viewer
The Water Districts Map Viewer enables users to search and view water districts using an online map interface. The viewer also links to the Integrated Water Districts Database (iWDD) for additional detailed information.
Water Rights Viewer
The Water Rights Viewer includes information about water rights authorizations and other water related information. A user can find information about the location of authorized water rights points, a copy of the water right and the Adjudication Final Determination, current ownership of the water right, recent water use data, and TCEQ’s adopted environmental flow standards.
Water Well Report Viewer
TCEQ’s Water Well Report Viewer is an online, map-based locator of over 800,000 historical reports for water wells drilled in Texas.

Story Maps

Austin Brownfields Tour
This is a virtual tour of several Brownfields sites in Central Austin, perfect for any tourist or local to complete during their time in downtown Austin. The tour starts in East Austin at Plaza Saltillo, a former rail yard; and moves south to the Festival Beach Food Forest, which operated as a former fish hatchery. The tour then takes you west to get a cross-river view of the new South Central Waterfront and then continues west to finish at the Seaholm District, which is highlighted by the Austin Central Library and the reuse of the former City of Austin Power Plant Building.
TCEQ Brownfields Story Map
How do you approach redevelopment of a property that may be contaminated? Assuming liability for the land can be risky business, but the 2002 Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act provides protections and incentives to convert these unused properties into productive spaces. The TCEQ Brownfields Program assists eligible entities by providing environmental assessment services. Take a look at the process, the products, and the projects that make the Brownfields Program a success.


Location Mapper (Formerly HB610 Viewer)
This viewer allows a user to locate a specific facility on a map, create a URL path (link) to that location, then share that link with others who can use the link to zoom to that location in the map viewer.
Texas Photochemical Modeling Results—Interactive Map
Interactive map comparing the TCEQ’s air quality modeling results and surface observations.