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Agency Deliberations and Decisions

The various hearings, meetings, and other avenues used by TCEQ to deliberate and make environmental decisions.

Agenda Meetings and Work Sessions

Find links to both past and future Commission agendas and work sessions. These meetings of the commissioners are formal, legal proceedings.

View Pending Matters and File Documents

You can search for documents related to ongoing TCEQ business, as well as file your own documents or comments online.

Public Meetings and Hearings on Permitting

Public meetings, notice and comment hearings, informal public hearings, and contested case hearings on permitting applications.

Public Participation in TCEQ Decision-Making

Ways for the public to interact with TCEQ or otherwise be represented during decision-making.

Executive Director’s Agenda and Marked Agenda

Items scheduled for the executive director's signature and items approved by the executive director.

National Comments Log

Summaries of significant correspondence and other documents that formally present official statements of TCEQ's position regarding national policies and activities.

About the Commissioners

Three full-time commissioners establish overall agency direction and policy, and make final determinations on contested permitting and enforcement matters.