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Calendar of Public Meetings and Hearings on Permitting Cases

Here you will find a listing of upcoming public meetings, notice and comment hearings, informal public hearings, and contested case hearings on permitting applications.

Date Time City County Applicant Meeting or Hearing Type Permit No. SOAH Docket No.
09/17/24 7 p.m. Breckenridge Stephens GCC Sun City Materials, LLC Public Meeting 173973L002
09/19/24 6 p.m. Laredo Webb Ingram Readymix No 11 LLC Public Hearing 176753
09/23/24 7 p.m. Mansfield Tarrant BL 374 LLC Public Meeting WQ0016411001
09/24/24 7 p.m. Edna Wharton Lavaca-Navidad River Authority Public Meeting 13728
09/26/24 7 p.m. Hutto Williamson Hwy 3349 Holdings, LLC Public Meeting WQ0016472001
09/30/24 7 p.m. Richmond Fort Bend AMENDED NOTICE NRG Texas Power LLC(to change meeting location) Public Meeting 7706A
10/01/24 10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide Wilco MUD 45 WWTP, LLC Contested Case Hearing WQ0016146001 582-24-22176



6-8 p.m. Houston Harris UPDATE
(to change date) TCEQ Stakeholder Meeting on Public Participation / Notice in Spanish
Second Stakeholder Meeting 2024-003-039-LS
10/03/24 7 p.m. Liberty Hill Williamson CANCELLATION NOTICE City of Liberty Hill Public Meeting WQ0015000001
10/07/24 7 p.m. Elmendorf Bexar Musket Corporation Public Meeting WQ0005436000
10/08/24 7 p.m. Venus Ellis NEW Buffalo Hills Development, LLC Public Meeting WQ0016216001
10/14/24 10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide NEW R&L Concrete LLC Contested Case Hearing 171631 582-24-23311
10/14/24 6 p.m. Houston Harris NEW Texas Concrete Enterprise, L.L.C. Public Meeting 116476
10/17/24 7 p.m. Brownsville Cameron NEW Space Exploration Technologies Corp. Public Meeting WQ0005462000



10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide CONTINUANCE / Second Notice of Hearing-Preserve Hutto, LLC Contested Case Hearing WQ0016145001 582-24-21738
10/22/24 7 p.m. Luling Caldwell NEW South Central Water Company Public Meeting WQ0016422001
10/24/24 10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide River Oaks Land Partners II, LLC Contested Case Hearing WQ0015559001 582-24-22551
10/30/24 10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide NEW Schreiber Foods, Inc. Contested Case Hearing WQ0003074000 582-25-00071
10/30/24 6 p.m. Seguin Guadalupe NEW JD Woodruff Construction LLC Public Hearing 177283



10 a.m. ZOOM Videoconference (SOAH) Statewide

Continuance / Aqua Utilities, Inc.

Contested Case Hearing WQ0005206000 582-24-00960

Please Note

This calendar on permitting cases does not include a list of other TCEQ events. To find other TCEQ events, see TCEQ's Agency Events Calendar.

With few exceptions, the meetings and hearings on this page have been requested by the public for the specific purpose of discussing permitting issues, such as whether a facility should be allowed to obtain, renew, or amend a Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, New Source Review, or Municipal Solid Waste permit at a specific location.

All of the meetings are arranged and conducted by the TCEQ's Office of the Chief Clerk (OCC). Most of the hearings, however, are arranged and conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH), which was created expressly for that purpose.

This calendar only lists meetings and contested case hearings on permitting cases. In addition, the SOAH hearings in this calendar only announce the first notice, or preliminary hearing date, of a case, and are posted purely as a courtesy to our customers. For information on subsequent SOAH hearings, contact SOAH at the number listed below.

Follow these links to find information about TCEQ commission agendas, commission work sessions, the executive director's agenda, and public hearings for proposed rules; or SOAH hearings .

If you have questions about a specific hearing or meeting, please call the contact person listed on the hearing or meeting notice. If you have general questions about this calendar, please call OCC at 512-239-3300.

SOAH may be reached by phone 512-475-4993, by email (, or on the web ( ).

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend a TCEQ meeting or SOAH hearing and who need special accommodations should call OCC (512-239-3300) or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD) at least one week prior to the event.

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