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Gasoline Vapor Recovery

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Efficient operation of vapor recovery systems is critical to the improvement of air quality across the state. This Handbook outlines procedures which must be followed in order to ensure accurate and consistent test results

Stage II Vapor Recovery Pre-Test Notification

Vapor Recovery Test Result Cover Sheet

(TXP-101)—Vapor Space Manifolding Test Report and Facility Layout Form

(TXP-102)—Pressure Gauge Calibration Form

(TXP-103-1)—Dynamic Back-Pressure Data: Nozzle Method

(TXP-103-2)—Dynamic Back-Pressure Data: Vapor Piping Method

(TXP-104)—Gasoline Flow Rate Performance Data

(TXP-105)—Liquid Removal Device Performance Data

(TXP-106-1)—Vapor to Liquid Ratio Data (Also used to report A/L data from CARB TP-201.5)

(TXP-106-2)—Air to Liquid Ratio Data for Hasstech Testing Equipment

(TXP-107)—Determination of Healy Booted Nozzle Operation

The purpose of this form is to establish a Stage II vapor recovery tester registry in accordance with 30 TAC §115.245(5). Individuals who wish to be a registered Stage II vapor recovery tester in the state of Texas should complete and submit a copy of this form with an original signature to the following address: TCEQ, Stage II Tester Registry, Air Quality Planning Section, MC-206, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087.