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Point Source Emissions Inventory

Downloads folder for Point Source Emissions Inventory

Downloads folder for PSEI Forms

Downloads folder for PSEI guidance documents

Intended especially for people living near facilities with industrial flares, this document is meant to inform the general public that a flare with a bright flame is operating properly and is achieving the desired control efficiency.

Intended for the company contacts responsible for submitting annual Emissions Inventories to the TCEQ, this brochure encourages them to submit the EIQs through the Web rather than on paper by describing the online process and its benefits.

This file contains the reporting totals for all accounts included in the Point Source Annual Emissions Inventory for reporting years 2014 through 2020.

This is an Excel file containing the accounts currently included in the RY2022 Emissions Inventory

This file contains the state level point source emissions summary information for reporting year 2014 through 2021