Develop CB7 Chemical Mechanism for CAMx Ozone Modeling
In this project, Ramboll updated the CAMx Carbon Bond (CB) chemical mechanism from CB6 revision 5 (CB6r5) to CB7 to provide the most up-to-date representation of atmospheric chemistry and reduce uncertainty in modeled ozone concentrations. The CB7 mechanism was tested and compared with CB6r5. (June 2021)
Develop CB7 Chemical Mechanism for CAMx Ozone Modeling
In this project, Ramboll updated the CAMx Carbon Bond (CB) chemical mechanism from CB6 revision 5 (CB6r5) to CB7 to provide the most up-to-date representation of atmospheric chemistry and reduce uncertainty in modeled ozone concentrations. The CB7 mechanism was tested and compared with CB6r5. (June 2021)