Air Successes Images
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Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the Beaumont-Port Arthur area.
Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the El Paso area.
Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria area.
Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the San Antonio area.
Thumbnail of eight-hour ozone design value trend chart vs population for the Austin-Round Rock area.
Thumbnail image of a chart showing the annual average benzene concentrations and annual natural gas production in the Barnett Shale from 1998-2021. All annual average benzene concentrations were below the long-term benzene air monitoring comparison value.
A chart showing the annual average benzene concentrations and annual natural gas production in the Barnett Shale from 1998-2021. All annual average benzene concentrations were below the long-term benzene air monitoring comparison value.
Bar chart of benzene concentrations in the Barnett Shale area that show benzene concentrations are below the Air Monitoring Comparison Value.
Thumbnail image of bar chart of benzene concentrations in the Barnett Shale.