Downloads folder for Groundwater-related TCEQ publications
Brochure describing this committee, which brings together representatives from 10 state agencies to bridge the gap between groundwater programs.
A comprehensive groundwater protection strategy for the state of Texas that provides guidelines for the prevention of contamination, the conservation of groundwater, and the coordination of activities of the agencies involved.
Committee's report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Committee's report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of priority groundwater management areas and the creation and operation of groundwater conservation districts.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of priority groundwater management areas and the creation and operation of groundwater conservation districts.
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all current groundwater-contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all current groundwater-contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Groundwater monitoring activities; includes a list of all groundwater contamination cases documented during the previous calendar year for which enforcement action was incomplete at the time of the preceding report.
TCEQ publication M-90 (formerly GI-416). Provides the /goto URL for the Water Well Report Viewer (i.e.,
This regulatory guide is provided to help landowners understand how to plug a water well properly.
Esta guía regulatoria se proporciona para ayudar a los terratenientes a aprender cómo tapar un pozo de agua correctamente. (This regulatory guide is provided to help landowners understand how to plug a water well properly.)
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Committee’s report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and the creation and operation of Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs).
Annual report on the quality of groundwater in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Annual report on the groundwater monitoring programs in Texas. Lists all active and inactive groundwater contamination cases in the state and their enforcement status.
Committee’s report describing its activities for the two preceding years and recommendations for groundwater protection.
Information on activities undertaken during the preceding two years relating to the study and designation of Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) and the creation and operation of Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs).