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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
               Austin                       Texas

From:  Lawrence E. Pewitt, P.E., Director, Permits Division
To:  Permit Engineers
Date:  December 21, 1987
Subject:  Permit Renewals - Claiming of a Standard Exemption

During the review of an application for permit renewal, a
company may elect to not continue the permit but claim a
standard exemption.  This will be allowed; however, we will
need to indicate to the permit holder that if this choice is
made, the possibility of amending a standard exemption is not
available.  We should not encourage a permit holder to claim
a standard exemption because of this limitation.

cc:  Mr. James C. Myers, P.E., Director, Enforcement Program
     Mr. Steve N. Spaw, P.E., Deputy Executive Director 
     Regional Directors