116nov.txt — 2.1 KB
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AIR PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS For Companies in Violation of Rule 116.110 Over Thirty Days Company Name: Account Number: Address: Facility type: Unit in violation: Contact Person: Title: Investigation Date: NOV Date: REQUIREMENTS The company must meet with a Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission - Air permit engineer in Austin to discuss a permit application within 30 days of the NOV (by___________________). This form must be signed and dated by the permit engineer to confirm this meeting. This requirement may be waived if the company meets the conditions for a Small Business Minor Source order. The company must submit a PI-1 permit application form, with appropriate supporting documents, within 60 days of the NOV (by__________________). A signed copy of this form must be attached to the PI-1. The company must provide all information required for a complete permit review and have operational the best available control technology within 180 days of the NOV (by__________________). If any of these requirements are not met by the date specified, this case may be forwarded with a recommendation for initiation of legal action through the Texas Attorney General's Office or additional administrative penalties may be recommended. PRE-PERMIT CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the subject company met with me this date to discuss a permit application for the facility in violation. Permit Engineer Signature ___________________Date__________ Engineer: Make three (3) copies of this form and forward the original to the Compliance Section cc: Regional Office Permit Engineer Company 1/1/94