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Abrasive Blast Cleaning January 1995 The requirement to use Best Available Control Technology (BACT) is only for facilities which require an air quality permit to construct and operate. Therefore, if your facility meets the conditions of Standard Exemption No. 106.451 or Standard Exemption No. 106.452 or is grandfathered, then you are not required to propose BACT. However, if your facility requires an air quality permit, then you must propose BACT to reduce emissions as much as possible. In our review of your BACT proposal, we consider technical practicability and economic reasonableness on a case-by-case basis. You may choose a combination of several methods to satisfy the BACT requirement such as process changes or add-on controls. For example, one method to reduce emissions from an outdoor blasting facility is the use of shrouds. The following proposals have been successfully used for other blasting facilities and have met our BACT requirements: Enclosed Operations: *(1) Use of dry fabric filters with 99% or better removal efficiencies. *(2) Baghouses and cartridge filters with outlet grain loadings of 0.01 grains/ft3 or less. *(3) Water wash spray booths with 99% or better removal efficiencies. (4) Proper storage of fresh media and proper disposal of spent media BACT for Non-Enclosed Blast Cleaning Operations is currently undergoing evaluation. To obtain the most current BACT guidance, please contact a technical specialist with the Coatings Group of the New Source Review Permit Division at (512)-239-1000. * Note: Removal efficiencies and outlet grain loadings must correspond with particle matter 10 microns or less in size. When you propose BACT, you need to provide a detailed description of how your facility will implement BACT. If you wish to propose a different BACT method than those listed above, you will need to provide detailed descriptions of the technical problems that would be encountered and the costs associated with implementing and operating one or more of the equipment/methods mentioned above. This discussion needs to follow the TNRCC "three tier" method or the EPA "top down" method. Regardless of the method used, applicants must supply control equipment cost estimates (amortized over the life of the equipment) and annualized operating costs. The EPA document OAQPS Control Cost Manual (EPA 450/3-90-006) describes how to perform the analysis and provides the format to use for presentation of results. This manual can be obtained by writing the National Technical Information Service (NATS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 or telephoning (703)-487-4650. The TNRCC "three tier" method can be obtained by writing TNRCC, OAQ/NSR, Coatings Section, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.