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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Austin Texas Memorandum To: Permits Program From: Lawrence Pewitt, P.E., Director, Permits Program Date: July 2, 1993 Subject: Alternate Language Public Notice Section 15 of H.B. 2049 passed by the legislature this year and signed by the Governor on June 9, 1993 requires public notice for permits and renewals to include a public notice in an alternate language as well as english if the elementary school or middle school nearest to the facility or proposed facility provides a bilingual education program as required by Section 21.109, Education Code and Section 19 TAC Subsection 89.2 (a). The public notice will be published in an additional publication of general circulation in the municipality or county in which the facility is located or proposed to be located that is published in the language taught in the bilingual education program. The requirement is waived if such a publication does not exist or if the publisher refuses to publish the notice. Procedures for accomplishment of this new public notice requirement will shortly be developed and a date to initiate the new public notice procedures will be selected. Until that time, proceed with the usual public notice procedures. cc: Mr. Jim Braddock, Director, Legal Division Deputy Directors Regional Directors