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PSD PUBLIC NOTICE CHECKLIST BEFORE PUBLICATION - Applicants are advised to look over the following items prior to sending the articles to the newspaper for publication. Early correction of any mistakes could prevent republication. Does the regional office, the central office, the EPA Region 6 office, and all appropriate local programs (if any) have a copy of your application to construct? Have you received a letter from the TNRCC authorizing public notice? Have you determined all alternative language requirements? Have you received all appropriate publication examples (including alternate languages) from the TNRCC? Have you received all appropriate sign posting examples (including alternate languages) from the TNRCC? Will your sign(s) be ready for posting on the first day of publication? Have you verified that the example articles enclosed in this package and your prepared sign(s) contain the correct permit application information (i.e., permit application number, air contaminants, regional office address, etc.)? Contact the central office in Austin if errors are found or if you wish to change the contents of the articles or sign(s). Do your instructions to the newspaper ensure that all notices will be published in the proper locations and are of the correct sizes? Does the newspaper of your choice for the English publication satisfy the requirement: "of general circulation in the municipality nearest where the facility is to be located"? Contact the regional office if you have questions on this matter. Does the newspaper of your choice for the alternate language publication satisfy the requirement: "of general circulation in the county where the facility is to be located"? Contact the regional office if you have questions on this matter. Have you identified the exact dates of publication for the newspaper(s)? AFTER PUBLICATION - The following requirements are the responsibility of the applicant and should be completed after publication has been completed: Personally check all issues of the paper for your publications to ensure that the articles were accurately published. Mail copies of the following items to each office listed on the enclosed Notification List: Copies of all the actual notices attached to the complete page as they were published or a completed publisher's affidavit with one copy of each notice. A completed Notification List and Certification Form and Bilingual Certification Form. (enclosed) Originals should be sent to the central office in Austin. Inspect the sign posting(s) daily to ensure they are present and visible throughout the public comment period. Revised 11-07-94