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Medical Waste Incinerators
March 1995

                    Technical Disclaimer

References to abatement technologies are not intended to
represent minimum or maximum levels of Best Available Control
Technology (BACT).  Determinations of BACT are made on a case
by case basis.  BACT determinations are always subject to
adjustment in consideration of specific process requirements,
air quality concerns and recent developments in abatement
technology.  Additionally, specific health effect concerns may
indicate stricter abatement than required by the BACT

The represented calculation methods are intended as an aid in
the completion of acceptable permit applications; alternative
calculation methods may be equally acceptable if they are
based upon, and adequately demonstrate, sound engineering
assumptions or data.

These guidelines are applicable as of the date of this
document, but are subject to revision during the permit
application preparation and review period.  It is the
responsibility of the applicants to remain abreast of any
guideline or regulation developments which may affect their

TNRCC Rule 116.111(3) in Regulation VI requires that BACT be
applied to all facilities that must obtain a permit.  Current
BACT guidelines for medical waste incinerators applied to
units larger than 225 pounds an hour and commercial

Emission Standards

CO (carbon monoxide)
50 ppmdv corrected to seven percent oxygen (O2) on a one-hour

HCl (hydrogen chloride) 
Ninety-seven percent removal by weight, dry scrubbing or
forty-two ppmv.
Ninety-nine percent removal by weight, wet scrubbing or
eighteen ppmv.
The permit will also set maximum ppmv as a standard.  

Five percent

PM (particulate matter)
0.015 grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf) corrected
to seven percent O2, front and back-half, dry scrubbing
0.020 gr/dscf corrected to seven percent O2, front and
back-half, wet scrubbing

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
Twenty to fifty ppmdv corrected to seven percent O2.  

Operating Standards 
Secondary Chamber - minimum 1800F and one to two seconds
retention time.

Compliance and Performance Testing
Periodic stack sampling for:  CO, HCl, oxides of nitrogen, PM,
sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, dioxins/furans,
trace metals - antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium,
chromium, iron, lead, mercury, manganese, nickel, selenium,
silver, thallium, vanadium and zinc.

Continuous monitoring systems:  CO, O2 and temperature,
possibly opacity