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Commercial medical waste incinerators
May 1994

    Permit Comments  Company            Location         Cpty
    MSW #  Issued    Name             City, County       (T/D)
1.  24247* Pending   Chambers County  Anahuac, Chambers   100
2.   2193  04/22/92  Enviroguard      Pattison, Waller     25
3.   2177  03/17/92  Pristine Systems Refugio, Refugio     48
4.   2187  12/12/91  Audie Murphy VA  San Antonio, Bexar    5
5.   2168  08/14/91  Dunham Env. Svs. Eagle Lk, Colorado   25
6.   1919  06/06/91  NMW, Inc.        Pearland, Brazoria   10
7.   1689  05/14/91  City of Center   Center, Shelby       30
8.     30  04/26/90  Am. Cont. Svs.   Terrell, Kaufman     54
9.   2086  10/30/89  Process Design   Bay City, Matagorda  25
10.  1741  08/30/89  City of Carthage Carthage, Panola     30
11.  2133  03/23/89  Medassure, Inc.  Somerset, Atascosa    9

    Control       PM            CO        HCl
    Type        (gr/dscf)     (ppmdv)     R.E.
1.  DS/FF/AC    0.015           50        95
2.  DS/FF/AC    0.020           50        95
3.  FF/WS       0.020           80        99
4.  WS          0.030          100        99
5.  WS          0.030           48        99
6.  WS          0.030           75        99
7.  WS          0.040          100        99
8.  DS/FF       0.030          100        95
9.  DS/FF       0.020          ---        90
10. WS          0.040          ---        99
11. WS          0.040          ---        99
Cpty (T/D)   --  Capacity in tons per day.
Control Type --  WS - wet scrubber; DS - dry scrubber; FF -
fabric filter; ESP - electrostatic precipitator; AC -
activated carbon.
PM (gr/dscf) --  Particulate matter limit in grains per dry
standard cubic feet, corrected to 7% oxygen, front- and
back-half of sampling train.
CO (ppmdv)   --  Carbon monoxide limit in parts per million
dry volume, corrected to 7% O2, one-hour average.
HCl R.E.     --  Hydrogen chloride removal efficiency.

* - OAQ Permit No.

On-site medical waste incinerators
May  1994

    Permit Permit    Company              Location         
    TACB # Issued    Name                 City, County     
1.  20498  02/17/94  Veterans Adm. M. C.  Amarillo, Potter   
2.  22792  11/18/93  Graham General Hosp. Graham, Young      
3.  21505  07/14/93  Starr Cty. Hosp.     Rio Grande, Starr 
4.  21766  04/08/93  Veterans Adm. M. C.  Kerrville, Kerr 
5.  21266  12/09/92  Jasper Mem. Hosp.    Jasper, Jasper  
6.  20985  12/03/92  Mercy Regional M. C. Laredo, Webb    
7.  21260  08/14/92  Atlanta Mem. Hosp.   Atlanta, Cass    
8.  20073  05/04/92  Park Place Hosp.     Port Arthur,
9.  20871  04/30/92  Sam Rayburn Mem.     Bonham, Fannin   
10. 20720  03/24/92  Knapp M. C.          Hidalgo, Weslaco 
11. 19814  05/28/91  Memorial City M. C.  Houston, Harris  
12. 19861  05/07/91  Veterans Adm. M. C.  Big Spring, Howard
13. 19909  11/13/90  Darnall Army Hosp.   Killeen, Bell 
14. 19626  10/18/90  Wilford Hall M. C.   San Antonio, Bexar 
15. 19774  03/22/90  St. Mary's Hosp.     Port Arthur,
16. 19560  01/30/90  All Saints Episcopal Ft. Worth, Tarrant
17. 19556  11/22/89  Midland Memorial     Midland, Midland
18. 19071  02/28/89  Veterans Adm. M. C.  Dallas, Dallas  
19. 19096  02/24/89  JPS Hospital         Dallas, Dallas  
20. 19242  02/22/89  Childress Cnty Hosp. Childress, Childress

    Cpty     Control      PM         CO         HCl
    (#/hr)    Type     (gr/dscf)   (ppmdv)      R.E.
1.   200      ---        0.080       ---        ---
2.    50      ---        0.080       100
3.    50      ---        0.080       100        ---
4.   382      WS         0.030       100         99
5.   200      ---        0.080       100        ---
6.   150      ---        0.080       100        ---
7.    50      ---        0.080       ---        ---
8.   100      WS**       0.030*      100         99
9.   150      WS         0.080       100         95
10.  200      ---        0.080       100        ---
11.  275      WS         0.040       100         99
12.   25      ---        0.080*      ---        ---
13.  500      WS         0.040        50         99
14. 1000      WS         0.040        50         99
15.  100      ---        0.080       ---        ---
16.  130      ---        0.080       ---        ---
17.  200      ---        0.080       ---        ---
18.  353      WS         0.040*      ---         95
19.  500      WS         0.080       ---         97
20.  100      ---        0.080       ---        ---

* - PM limit based on front-half catch only (i.e. excluding
** - Add-on controls required because of impacts review, not

Cpty (T/D) -- Capacity in pounds per hour.
Control Type -- WS - wet scrubber; DS - dry scrubber; FF -
fabric filter; ESP - electrostatic precipitator.
PM (gr/dscf) -- Particulate matter limit in grains per dry
standard cubic feet, corrected to 7% oxygen, front- and
back-half of sampling train.
CO (ppmdv) -- Carbon monoxide limit in parts per million
dry volume, corrected to 7% O2, one-hour average.
HCl R.E. -- Hydrogen chloride removal efficiency.