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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
                Austin                       Texas

From:  Lawrence E. Pewitt, P.E., Acting Director, Permits
To:  Section Chiefs and Permit Engineers
Date:  October 12, 1984
Subject:  NSPS Promulgation and Proposals

A part of the review of applications for permit, exemptions,
and amendments is a determination whether a proposed facility
will be subject to Federal New Source Performance Standards
both promulgated and proposed.  Facilities under review when
a NSPS standard is proposed will be subject to that NSPS when
the standard is promulgated.  All permits, exemptions and
amendments must reference any applicable promulgated or
proposed NSPS.

Standard special conditions provide the wording to be used for
promulgated NSPS.  The following wording may be used for
proposed NSPS:

These facilities shall comply with all applicable requirements
of Environmental Protection Agency Regulations on Standards of
Performance for New Stationary Sources for (   ) upon
promulgation in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 60
(40 CFR 60), Subparts A and (  ).  

cc:  James C. Myers, P.E., Acting Director, Enforcement Group