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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Austin Texas Memorandum To: Manuel Aguirre, P.E., Permits and Enforcement Director, Permits Division Directors, Section Chiefs, Permit Engineers, Lucy Bartley and Pam Taylor From: Lawrence Pewitt, P.E., Permits Program Director Date: May 17, 1993 Subject: Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Modifications Since receiving full PSD delegation on July 24, 1992 we have been changing the modification number on PSD permits for all PSD modifications, including minor modifications. For example: PSD-TX-###M2 would become PSD-TX-###M3. Prior to full delegation, we only changed the modification number for modifications to the PSD permit. Because of the possibility of the modification number becoming large very quickly, especially for cases like Formosa where we have one PSD permit for several TACB permits, we have decided to return to the practice of only changing the PSD modification number when the project is a major modification. Therefore, when processing projects which are only minor modifications to the PSD permit, the modification number should not be changed. Examples of these types of projects include: changes to the sampling or monitoring conditions, amendments to the TACB permit which are not above the PSD definition of a major modification, amendments or revisions to the TACB permit which would lower emissions of the pollutant for which the unit received a PSD permit, etc. EPA Region 6 (Stanley Spruiell) has no objection to this policy. Please begin implementing this policy immediately for all new applications involving PSD. It will be left up to the engineer to decide what to do with currently pending applications. Keep in mind that it may be confusing to change in mid-stream, especially if correspondence has already gone out with the new number.