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Texas Air Control Board Austin Texas Interoffice To: Section Chiefs Permit Engineers From: Lawrence E. Pewitt, P.E., Director, Permits Division Date: September 10, 1986 Subject: Total Property Emissions - Standard Exemptions under Rule 116.6(a)(2) now 116.211(a)(3) Regulation VI, Rule 116.6(a)(2) now 116.211(a)(3), states that a standard exemption cannot be used if emissions from the property where the proposed facility is to be located will exceed 250 tons per year (TPY) of carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxides or 25 TPY of any other air contaminant unless at least one facility at the property has been subject to public notice and comment required by Rule 116.10 now 116.130. This will be interpreted to consider only the emissions from facilities claimed under standard exemptions. If emissions from the property for facilities constructed under standard exemptions will exceed 250 TPY of carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxides or 25 TPY of any other air contaminant then at least one facility at the property must have been subject to public notice according to permit or special permit public notice procedures. This does not change or alter any other requirements for obtaining a standard exemption. Actual emissions from proposed facilities claimed under a standard exemption must not exceed the 25/250 TPY level or the limit of any specific standard exemption. No standard exemption may be claimed if the construction and/or modification will result in a major source or major modification review for either nonattainment or Prevention of Significant Deterioration permit requirements. cc: Regional Directors Updated August 29, 1994