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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
           Austin                       Texas

From:  Lawrence E. Pewitt, P.E., Director, Permits Division  
To:  Permit Engineers
Date:  August 15, 1985, Updated October 4, 1994
Subject:  Visibility Protection - Prevention of Significant
          Deterioration (PSD) Permit Applications

A PSD permit review requires a consideration for visibility
protection for Class I areas.  These areas consist of the Big
Bend National Park in Brewster County, the Guadalupe Mountain
National Park in Huspeth and Culberson Counties and the
Wichita Mountain Wilderness Area in Oklahoma when a PSD permit
is under review in Texas.

A copy of any application for which PSD review is required
within 100 kilometers (62 miles) of these parks must be sent
to the Federal Land Manager of the area and to:

Mr. Wilbur N. Ladd, Jr.
Assistant Regional Director
Refuges and Wildlife, Region 6
United States Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Post Office Box 25486
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO  80225
Telephone Number:  (303)-969-2071 for John Notar