Downloads folder for Waste Permits Publications
Tables listing active medical waste treatment facilities and transfer stations in Texas, by county, with permit or registration number, facility name, treatment method, and address.
Description of data fields in municipal solid waste data files available for download from TCEQ webpage Data on Municipal Solid Waste Facilities in Texas,
Information for applicants, owners, and operators of small municipal solid waste landfills in arid regions, about eligibility criteria and requirements for exemption from landfill liner and groundwater monitoring requirements.
The main purpose of this guidance document is to help generators of industrial and hazardous waste follow state and federal requirements on: classifying and coding these wastes, keeping proper records, and notifying the TCEQ the wastes, when required.
2021 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
Information about how a municipal solid waste transfer station that includes material recovery and recycling may be authorized by a registration instead of a permit, and how to prepare an application.
Table summarizing types of waste that may be accepted in municipal solid waste landfills in Texas. Acceptance may be subject to limitations specified in a facility permit, or a landfill may choose not to accept some types of waste.
2014 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
2015 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
2016 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
2017 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
2018 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
2019 annual report summary for the Scrap Tire Program.
This document is a directory of hazardous and nonhazardous permitted facilities with their contact information.
2022 annual report summary for the scrap tire program.
Analysis of data submitted by municipal solid waste facilities for the fiscal year to determine trends in the amounts and types of waste disposed of in Texas.
2023 Annual report summary for the scrap tire program
AS-213/23 2023 Scrap Tire Annual Report Summary - Spanish
AS-187/24, Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review, 2023 Data Summary and Analysis