Industrial Hazardous Waste
Downloads folder for IHW Registration Forms
TCEQ form 00002 to obtain or update a solid waste registration (SWR) and notify of hazardous or industrial waste management activities.
Instructions for completing the TCEQ 00002 form to obtain or update a solid waste registration.
Reporting form to summarize the Class 1 Industrial and hazardous waste generation during a calendar year for facilities with active solid waste registrations. Reports on this form are due on January 25 of the year following the reporting period.
TCEQ 00757 form to request a temporary generator ID, temporary EPA for hazardous waste, and temporary waste code for episodic or short-term hazardous or Class 1 Industrial waste generation events. Used by temporary generators of greater than 220 pounds of Class 1 Industrial waste, 220 pounds of non-acute hazardous waste, or 2.2 pounds of acute hazardous waste that are either unregistered or have an inactive solid waste registration.
TCEQ form 20848 to inactivate a solid waste registration.
Instructions for submitting the annual waste summary for industrial and hazardous waste via direct entry into STEERS.
Instructions for importing the STEERS annual preparation files into the annual waste summary for industrial and hazardous waste in order to submit the annual waste summary via STEERS.
Instructions for completing the TCEQ 00757 form for unregistered generators to obtain temporary waste codes and generator IDs for episodic or short-term events.
TCEQ 20940 form to notify of episodic hazardous waste generation events for sites with active solid waste registrations.