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Folder for publications such as regulatory guidance (RG) and general information (GI) for the Registration and Reporting Section.

Poster that informs people it is illegal to improperly dispose of used oil and used oil filters in Texas./ Cartel que informa a la gente que en Texas es prohibido deshacerse indebidamente de aceite usado y de filtros de aceite usados.

Whether you transport waste in Texas or hire a waste transporter, this publication will help you determine the regulatory requirements for waste transportation. Correct and timely compliance with waste transportation regulations will help protect the state’s environment and safeguard the health of Texas citizens.

Guidance for used oil recycling activities. Includes information about management of used oil and notification requirements for used oil handlers and collection centers.

Guidance about generation fees for hazardous and industrial Class 1 wastes. This guidance does not replace any laws or regulations.