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Current Rules

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Executive Summary for 2010 SO2 NAAQS Round 4 Nonattainment Areas Attainment Control Measures

Proposal Preamble for 2010 SO2 NAAQS Round 4 Nonattainment Areas Attainment Control Measures

Plain Language Summary of Proposed Rules for Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nonattainment Areas in Howard, Hutchinson, and Navarro Counties

Resumen en Lenguaje Sencillo de las Reglas Propuestas para las áreas de no Logro de Dióxido de Azufre (SO2, por sus siglas en inglés) en los Condados de Howard, Hutchinson y Navarro

Public Hearing for 2010 SO2 NAAQS Round 4 Nonattainment Areas Attainment Control Measures Rulemaking

Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) Standards Update Executive Summary

Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) Standards Update Proposal Preamble

Updates to Chapter 210 Use of Reclaimed Water

Updates to Chapter 210 Use of Reclaimed Water

Proposal Preamble for Senate Bill (SB) 3 (80th) SB 2262 (85th) and staff-initiated River Authority and Feasibility Tax Rate Revisions

Executive summary for Senate Bill (SB) 3 (80th) SB 2262 (85th) and staff-initiated River Authority and Feasibility Tax Rate Revisions

Proposal preamble for Repeal of 30 TAC §7.101, MOU with the Texas Department of Commerce and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Executive summary for the Repeal of 30 TAC §7.101, MOU with the Texas Department of Commerce and the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission

Proposal Preamble for Senate Bill (SB) 3 (80th) SB 2262 (85th) and staff-initiated River Authority and Feasibility Tax Rate Revisions