Download The October 1997 Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) List Used in the Review of Air Permitting Data
This page contains the September 1997 ESL List. If you are in need of current ESLs, please go to the Toxicity Factor Database to search for ESLs. The Toxicity Factor Database is a one-stop-shop for information about all toxicity factors developed by the TCEQ Toxicology Division. The last Published ESL lists was November 2016.
Download The October 1997 Effects Screening Levels (ESLs) List Used in the Review of Air Permitting Data
This page contains the September 1997 ESL List. If you are in need of current ESLs, please go to the Toxicity Factor Database to search for ESLs. The Toxicity Factor Database is a one-stop-shop for information about all toxicity factors developed by the TCEQ Toxicology Division. The last Published ESL lists was November 2016.