10. Aquilla Reservoir: Drinking Water Source
Downloads folder for 10. Aquilla Reservoir: Drinking Water Source
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on an implementation plan for a total maximum daily load project for atrazine in Aquilla Reservoir.
A plan to implement a total maximum daily load for atrazine in Aquilla Reservoir. This plan describes the necessary actions to improve water quality, the schedule for implementation activities, and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A document detailing the TCEQ's response to public comments received on a total maximum daily load project for atrazine in Aquilla Reservoir.
A scientific report detailing the development of one total maximum daily load for atrazine in Aquilla Reservoir.
A brief description of the actions taken by stakeholders to restore attainment of the use of Aquilla Reservoir as a source of public drinking water. Summarizes water quality improvement in the reservoir.
A project overview describing the Aquilla Reservoir watershed and the steps taken to reduce atrazine in the waterbody through the implementation of a total maximum daily load.