85. Carter's Creek: Recreational Use
Downloads folder for 85. Carter's Creek: Recreational Use
A scientific analysis and report to support development of three total maximum daily loads for bacteria in the Carters Creek watershed.
A plan to implement three total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Carters Creek watershed. This plan describes the necessary actions to improve water quality, the schedule for implementation activities, and measurable outcomes for assessing progress.
A scientific report detailing the development of three total maximum daily loads for indicator bacteria in the Carters Creek watershed. These TMDLs are used to determine allowable loadings in new or amended permits for discharges of indicator bacteria in wastewater and stormwater into the watershed.
A presentation updating stakeholders on the year one implementation status of a total maximum daily load project in the Carters Creek watershed.
A year one status update one the Carters and Burton Creek watershed implementation activities.
A year two status update one the Carters and Burton Creek watershed implementation activities.
A year three status update one the Carters and Burton Creek watershed implementation activities.
A year four status update one the Carters and Burton Creek watershed implementation activities.
A project overview describing the Carters Creek watershed and the steps taken to protect recreational uses in the waterbody.